Friday, August 30, 2013

He has a friend...

“Can I come over to your house to play with Cam?” Those are words I honestly have hoped for so long to hear but truly never thought I would. Not because I don’t think my son is absolutely amazing because I do. But because my son doesn’t know how to be a good friend, though in his own ways he tries so hard to be. He knows how to play what he wants to play and if you don’t want to play that game or with those toys he doesn’t understand how to handle it. He usually shuts down or cries because he takes it personal. His play dates in the past have always been because I have been friends with the moms and have scheduled them. They have always been what felt like a forced play date. Not that these children didn’t play with him because they always have, but if I and the other moms were honest with ourselves it wasn’t because the other children actually asked to play with Cam. They were never  because a child has actually asked to play with him…never been because a child actually wants to play with him. And I understand it all. Cam does not make it easy…he doesn’t make it easy to be his friend. He doesn’t understand friendship…yet.

BUT and here’s where the tears start flowing…I heard those words. A little boy from Cam’s class came up to me at parent pick up and asked if he could have Cam come over to play or if he could please come to our house to play with Cam. I tried not to act surprised and play it off like this always happens. But, I was in complete shock and can’t even begin to describe how happy I was. You should have seen Cam’s face all lit up with a smile from ear to ear and begging that I let it happen that very second. Of course I couldn’t let it happen that very second but I agreed with Cam that I wanted it to. I wanted that smile, that glow to stay on my sons face forever. So, I told the little boy that I would talk to his mom and we would make it happen. We walked to the car and Cam was so excited and I was thankful to have sunglasses on because the tears were flowing. MY son….MY world…has a friend! The things that most parents take for granted….this is one of them. As a mom to a child with Autism this is a day that I never thought would happen.

I watched the next day at pick up as Cam scrambled to get his folder and things ready to go home in the classroom and this little boy…this friend of Cam’s stayed and helped him gather everything. More tears…thank goodness for sunglasses! They walked out together and said bye to each other and the little boy reminded me that he still really wanted to play with Cam. Seriously…I wasn’t dreaming! This is a reality for my son! That same day I received a message from this little boys mom telling me that her son was talking and begging to play with Cam. Really! I know I sound like I am so shocked that someone wants to play with Cam but I promise you I know how AMAZING my son. But as I have said I also know he doesn’t make it easy to be his friend. So, we have scheduled the play date for this weekend and both boys are so excited. They are already planning what they are going to do while he is at our house playing. I have to admit, I rearranged Cam’s room to make it more special for Cam and I have already planned in my head some snacks and to order pizza. I know how special this is for Cam, so I want to make it as great of a time as I can.

I am not sure who is more excited for Cam…him or me. But, I can tell you that this is a huge step for him. One that I am so proud of! We have waited what feels like forever for this day to come. My son is in second grade and he has a friend. Wow….that sentence brings so much pride to my heart. 

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