Monday, January 28, 2013

0 to Meltdown.....

So today was a good day...well that is until I picked Cameron up from school and he got in the car. He decided he was in a bad mood and everyone was going to know it.  It started with him being upset with Peyton for having her toy near his car seat...yes something that small but the fact that it was out of place did not set well with him.  Then when we got home it was time to play outside, which seemed like a good idea for the first few minutes.  Then all hell broke lose and the meltdown began...right out front for all of our neighbors to see.  Why did it start you ask? Well because I had asked him to come to me without yelling at me or Peyton for just a second and then it started...the meltdown that is.  Screaming, crying, running...the running was the worst part.  I had to chase him around our front yard while the crying and screaming was going on because when he panics he runs. So he ran and ran and once I finally caught him he kicked and pushed at me still screaming bloody murder and crying.  But when he gets like this it's like Cameron has gone and someone else has entered his body.  There is no reasoning with him, no calming him down, no talking to him, nothing works.  Just have to let it happen and let it happen I did.  2 hours later the meltdown finally came to an end.  During the meltdown there was banging of his head against the wall, kicking and punching the wall, doors, bed and lots of screaming how much he hates me, hates life, how unfair life is, etc. You get the picture I am sure.  How did I know this meltdown was finally coming to an end...he finally picked himself up out of his room and came screaming for me and fell on the couch. When he screams for me and not at me I know the meltdown is ending and Cameron is coming back to me. It means that the rage in him is coming down and that I will have a very sweaty, tear filled hugging session with my son not the other person inside him.  I will say today was the scariest one I have dealt with in awhile, the banging of the head against the wall is new and scary.  Guess that is something I will talk to his speech therapist about tomorrow. So, after the two hours of meltdown and hugs Cameron turns to me and says "mommy, I'm hungry can I have a snack?" As if nothing had just happened.  This isn't new either, usually after a meltdown I either get an hour of I'm sorry's for whatever he did wrong leading up to the meltdown or it goes back to the "normal" of what our life is. He usually doesn't remember most of what he said or did, which breaks my heart because I know he can't control any of this and I can't imagine how that must feel. So, a snack is what we fact we baked the snack. We baked his favorite fudge brownies and he was back.  Peyton was happy to have him help bake some brownies because she is beginning to learn that his meltdowns are a part of him and they are starting to not scare her as much. So when he's done with them she knows her brother is back and ready to play.  What an afternoon we had...wonder what bed time will bring?

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