Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Today was a good day....

Today was a good day in pretty much every aspect. Which after the past few days I am BEYOND thankful for! Though when Cameron first woke up and was Mr. Grouch I was afraid today was going to be very bad. So, in the slight chance ok much more than slight, big, HUGE chance it wasn't a good day Peyton and I made sure our morning was great. She worries about him just as much as Bryan and I do and when he has bad days, so does she. She knows that when the melt downs are going on it means life stands still and though they don't scare her as much as they use to, you can see in her little eyes that she still doesn't understand them and it still worries her.  I really should have stayed home and cleaned the house and just had her play inside because to be honest my house looks like a bomb went off in it. The toy room has toys all over, there are clothes that could be folded and a kitchen and bathroom that could use some TLC but this has been a rough week so far and to be honest after Cameron goes to bed I have no energy physically or emotionally to clean. But instead of cleaning I thought Peyton deserved some time of fun so, we went to story time (which she loves) and the to Chick-Fil-A for lunch(her favorite restaurant of all time). So when we got in the car to pick up Cameron from school my stomach started to get into knots and the panic and stress started to play with me.  BUT, as soon as he came running out of the door with a huge smile on his face I knew my worries for that second were over.  Then he yells "mommy, I listened all day, stayed dry all day and even went poops all by myself!" Now I am smiling and laughing because he is just so proud of himself and I am beyond proud too. The other parents are staring at him and I like we have ten heads each. I know they are thinking "Why is he yelling this AND he's in first grade?" Well to the parents who were staring it's because my little man still has accidents and still has a hard time when he goes "poops" anywhere but at home, so we celebrate when there are dry days and when there are "poops" with no issues! Then I looked in his folder and saw a paper that said "CONGRATULATIONS! Your art work has been chosen to be displayed. We will notify you if it also displayed outside of the school" So, we have something else to celebrate! My little guys artwork has been chosen to be displayed! I don't care if it is displayed just in the hallway at school, the fact that it was chosen is huge! Of course Cameron wasn't as excited because he doesn't understand why he can't bring his artwork home. "Mommy you always displace (aka display) my artwork on the fridge. You can't do that if THEY keep it" Explaining it to him wasn't an easy process, but we made it through without any arguments or melt downs so for me it was a complete success.
After all of this excitement at the school we headed home to play outside. Now mind you I wasn't very excited about this since on Monday the playing outside ended with me chasing him around the yard and the neighbors yard while he was screaming and crying for all of our neighbors to see. BUT, I was hopeful that since we had such a good day at school today was going to be different. We headed outside with Shamu, baby dino and our owl puppet to ride his bike while Peyton brought a baby doll and they played and played...and played. No fits, no arguments, just happy, smiling playing! These are the days that we celebrate and we look forward to. These are the days that we think of when there are 3 hour meltdowns, things being thrown, yelling and screaming going on...these are the days that most people are use to but that we don't ever take for granted.

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