Tuesday, January 29, 2013

This is our life

Is it odd that Bryan and I are finally coming to terms with the way certain aspects in our life must be? You are reading this going what the heck are you talking about?! Let me explain...or try to. We get invites for parties that are kid friendly from time to time and we usually go and then don't enjoy our time at all because we are stressed the entire time waiting for Cameron to have a melt down because he is overstimulated or since he is so socially immature (yes he is 6 but on an emotional and mature level he is about 3) I wait for the child who decides to come up and tell me everything that Cameron is doing wrong and how he's not playing the same way everyone else is or better yet I hear him yelling at one of the children for not listening to him and playing the way he wants or in his mind "the right way". So while everyone else is enjoying themselves, relaxing and letting their children play, Bryan and I are sitting there looking like we hate the world because we are a big ball of stress and tension. There are times that we decline these events and when I decline them to the invitee I make up some excuse because I don't want to say the real reason. I don't want to have to explain what I just did above to them because in reality I would probably get the blank stare, because the other person doesn't understand our world. They have the neurotypical child that for the most part can handle any situation with ease and they don't have to worry about these same issues. We have tried to make Cameron fit in and go to these places and then stress about him, have him full of stress and honestly what are we  stressing about? We are stressing and worrying about him being himself. Is that fair to him? Not at all! Why should we stress about him being himself? He is a wonderful, funny, caring, smart and loveable little boy. He may not fit into others "normal" but he is our normal. He is a boy who does better in his own home, his safe zone. He is a little boy that has Autism and after running from it in so many ways....we've decided to finally accept our life after over 2 years since his diagnosis, 2 years since hearing what we already knew in our hearts but finally got affirmation. So, as we have been in his advocate in so many ways during the past 2 years we have also been running from his diagnosis in other aspects. From here on out no more forcing him to go to these events and stress. We will enjoy the things and places in life we can go and if we can't go we will no longer make excuses....this is our life and we wouldn't change it for anything!

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