Thursday, March 21, 2013

Twilight Zone

Cam woke up on the sunny side of the bed today and this hasn’t happened in what seems like forever! There were no issues getting dressed and ready for school. We headed to school with no issues and drop off was easy. It was almost scary! When you are so used to getting the grumbling and meltdowns, having a morning like this makes you feel like you’re in the twilight zone.

Peyton and I went to have lunch with Cam today and that made him very happy. He loves when we come to have lunch and when we stay and Peyton plays with him at recess. Their relationship is wonderful and I am very thankful for that. She is so good with him and has learned at the young age of 4 how to handle his meltdowns. Usually when we go to leave after recess is over Cam has a meltdown because he doesn’t want us to leave. But, before that could happen today Peyton gave him a hug. His frown quickly turned to a little smile and he said “thank you Peyton for the hug. You are my best friend”. They truly are best friends, she accepts him for him and he needs that. She loves him and never judges him and he really does look at her as his best friend.

Pick up was just as good and seriously at this point I am feeling like we are actually in the twilight zone. No meltdowns, no real attitude, just happy and laughing. He built with his Legos for a while and his imagination amazes me when he builds. Then after dinner he and Peyton wanted to go for a bike ride. So we headed out to get on our bikes and he stops and looks at his bike and says, “mommy, am I a baby because I still have my training wheels on?” Now, a little back-story, we have tried the no training wheels things, but right now his balance and coordination just aren’t ready. So, back to his comment, I of course told him no, he’s not a baby at all. He looks over at me and says, “ Some of the boys say I’m a baby because I have them. But, I am just scared not to have them. I think I should keep them on like Peyton.” This was a big moment because he actually said he was scared. It also broke my heart because though most of the time he doesn’t care what people think, because he’s in his own world, there are times where he does care and those times break my heart. We had a little talk and I promised him he wasn’t a baby. He seemed ok, so off on our bike ride we went. The three of us sang, laughed and told jokes the entire bike ride. We rode a little over SIX miles tonight! I am SO very proud of both of my kiddos because that is a long way for their little legs.

So, for the entire day today I have felt like I am living in a twilight zone. We didn’t have one single melt down, no slamming doors, throwing things, hurting himself, nothing. We had a full day of happy Cam. Who knows what tomorrow holds, but for tonight I am going to enjoy living in this twilight zone. 

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