Thursday, April 4, 2013

Do Not Disturb

Today in the world of Cam it started off good. He woke up in a pretty good mood and very little growling at me when I told him he had to get ready for school. I’ll take the little growling because it is much better than a full on meltdown.  He did growl pretty loudly when he didn’t get a lot of playtime prior to putting his shoes on and head out the door. But, my response which he didn’t like “well kiddo if you wouldn’t have rolled around on the floor for ten minutes before actually getting dressed…you may have had some play time.” “GRRRRRRR!!!” That is basically what I got back from him. So growling and all we head to school. Drop off goes surprisingly well, so I head out the door before something changes.

Pick up time comes and he comes out grumpasaurus and all. “What’s wrong kiddo?” “See this door hanging thingy here mommy, I got it in treasure box today and it says DO NOT DISTURB! So do not disturb me, mommy!” Um, excuse me kiddo! Did you hit your head while at school because you must have, to think it’s ok to speak to me that way? I choose to just give him a dirty look and get him in the car. It’s starting to rain and I don’t really feel like dealing with a meltdown in the rain. We get into the car and he snaps about the same thing at Peyton. So, now the meltdown occurs because I tell him he can’t speak to either of us that way. “BUT MOMMY IT SAYS ON HERE YOU CAN’T DISTURB ME!! I’M JUST TELLING YOU TO LISTEN TO THE RULES!!” Yeah, well kiddo here’s my rule… your door hanging thingy is about to go in the trash! This was a short meltdown, with a long afternoon of attitude. He didn’t want Peyton in his room; he didn’t want anyone around him. Such a wonderful afternoon in Cam’s world.

Homework time came and let the grumpiness go to a new level. It’s reading and comprehension, the reading thing he enjoys…the comprehension questions thing not so much. So it’s always a struggle for this type of homework. Tonight was no different, only louder yelling at me when he got frustrated. Slamming of the pencil, yelling that he doesn’t understand or like his homework and tears were all involved in tonight’s homework. So, after awhile I decide the fighting is not worth it and homework time is over. I can just explain tomorrow to his teacher and hope that she’s ok with him turning it in on Monday.

A little Wild Kratts always makes life better, so after the stress of homework he watched today’s episode. It helped him calm down and the rest of the night was pretty good. The door hanging thingy didn’t make it to the trash tonight…will see if it makes it another day tomorrow. 

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