Friday, April 12, 2013

What Happened?!

I am not sure what happened at school today, if anything but Cam came home in the worst mood. I picked him up, we get in the car, Peyton says hi and he snaps at her not to talk to him. He then asks me if we are going to his friends house today for a play date and when I tell him no, he then proceeds to have a complete meltdown right there. I don’t ever tell him about play dates because of times like today where they don’t happen; he doesn’t know how to handle it. Yes, all kiddos get excited about play dates however, Cam counts the minutes, seconds, until the time he knows he’s suppose to have these play dates, so to try and avoid a melt down I just don’t tell him until right before we leave or they come over. But this time he overheard me and the other mom talking the other day, so he has had it in his head ever since then. So, while driving home he was having a complete meltdown, punching the chair, hitting his head on the window, screaming, kicking and then Peyton is crying because he is scaring her. I am very thankful at this point that our drive home is short. I get Peyton into the house and she heads to her room to play and then back to get the screaming child out of my car. He is kicking me and screaming bloody murder the entire way to his room. I am pretty sure I have damage to my left ear from the high octave of his screaming in my ear. About 30 minutes later he is calmed down, comes out of his room a complete sweaty mess and is done.

So we move on and hope for the best. Well the "best" lasted all of maybe 15 minutes and then there was another melt down. Why you ask? Well because I asked him to go potty before he sat down to watch Wild Kratts. “I DON’T HAVE TO GO POTTY MOMMY!!” Well kiddo since you have accidents a lot mommy is just trying to hinder it from happening. He goes across the house screaming at me at which point daddy is now home from work and not liking the way he is screaming at me. So daddy tells him not to speak to me like that. Insert the complete and total meltdown here. “MOMMY TOLD ME TO GO POTTY AND I DON’T HAVE TOO! I DID NOTHING WRONG DADDY!!!” Then off to his room he goes and SLAM goes the door. I swear I am going to rip that door off of its hinges one of these days. The meltdown is going on when I start hearing loud bangs so I go running in to find him now head banging his head on his wall while kicking his top bunk and then he starts screaming “I AM GOING TO BREAK MY WINDOW WITH MY HEAD!” Now I have NO idea where this came from nor do I understand it, but now I am scared because he’s already hurting himself with the wall and his bed, so I have no doubt he will in fact put his head through his window. Sitting on top of him using my sumo wrestler moves for I don’t know how long, it seemed like an eternity though and he starts to calm down. He started to cry the little boy cry he does when he’s completely done with his meltdown and we sat on his bed…him crying and me holding it together as best I could. “I just really didn’t have to go potty mommy.” That is all that was said and we moved forward. Why rehash the hell that we just went through?

Melt downs are over for the night, right? Yeah, not so much. He had another one over Peyton not being quiet during his Wild Kratts show and I told him that just because he was having a bad day he couldn’t take it out on her. “I AM NOT HAVING A BAD DAY! SHE IS BEING LOUD AND I CAN’T HEAR MY SHOW!!!” Yeah, kiddo why don’t you take your iPad and watch your show in your room? So, a meltdown later and he is off to his room with his iPad to watch Wild Kratts by himself.

Tonight is movie night, so I told Peyton she could pick the movie out. She goes to tell Cam it’s movie time and he screams at her to get out of his room. She really is amazing because she comes in and just says, “He told me to get out not very nicely mama. So I don’t think he wants to watch our movie.” We start to watch it and he comes in and decides he wants to watch it with us. Why fight it and tell him no? It IS movie night and this night HAS to get better. So, we lay and watch the movie…well Peyton and I lay and watch the movie, Cam is all over the place. Sitting and just watching a movie just doesn’t happen for him most of the time. So, we try to enjoy it while he bounces all over the place repeating EVERY word in the movie. This is our typical movie night. But, I wouldn’t change it for the world because it is something that both kiddos look so forward to every week.

So, he ended the night in a good mood and bouncing off the walls. I am not sure exactly what time he will actually fall asleep. But for now he is in his room and has only come out ten times so far to tell daddy he has to go potty…his way of avoiding going to sleep. Or he’ll come out and tell daddy he needs one more stuffed animal or he will all of a sudden remember something that he needs to tell us about one of his favorite animals. Either way this kiddo will be up for awhile. I am hoping tomorrow is much better…my ears and bruises on my arms and stomach are also hoping tomorrow is much better. 

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