Friday, February 22, 2013

Snow Day

I remember when I was growing up before we moved to Florida and lived up north, I loved snow days. It didn't only mean no school, but it meant getting to go outside and play in the snow, throwing snowballs, making snow angels and sometimes even sledding. It meant a free day from school with no worries but just to play and have fun. In Florida we don't get those. Now, no I am not complaining that we don't have to shovel snow or start our cars 2 hours before we need to leave the house so that way they are warm enough for us to be able to drive. But, the only way there is anything close to a snow day here in Florida, is if there is a hurricane. And usually when there is a hurricane that means we have no power, no fun, nothing. So, today I decided that Cam needed a snow day, Florida style.

As we all know he has been having a lot of rough times and I wanted to change that. At least for a day. So, today was a snow day...Florida style. I surprised him when he woke up and told him he didn't have to go to school today. He was beyond happy. Then I told him, instead of school, he, Peyton and I were heading to the beach. Not only was he excited but Peyton couldn't get her little bathing suit on fast enough, she was so excited. We packed up everything and headed to the beach.

The weather was beautiful, perfect snow day in Florida. We played in the sand, building sand castles, burying each other and making little rivers. We jumped the waves, ran away from the big ones laughing and playing. We chased the birds and had a picnic while watching the waves crash and planes fly over. I saw no worries in Cams eyes, no sadness, no anxiety. I saw nothing but smiles, calm, sweet smiles. I heard his young laugh, the one that I haven't heard in way too long. Yes, he's had some good days here and there but nothing like today. There was no angry growling, no meltdowns. Nothing but smiles, laughing and fun. 

I worry what to do about his school situation. About the smells he can't stand, the noises that are too loud, the social issues he doesn't understand. I don't know if main stream school is where he needs to be. Maybe a private Autism school or maybe even homeschool. Now for the people who say you can't shelter him forever, I know this. However, we are talking about a child who is 6 but socially he is 3, living in a social world of 6 and 7 year olds. Is that really fair? The stress and anxiety going on in his little body that he doesn't understand, that he can't communicate about. Is that really fair? I am not sure what the right answer for him is, that is something that I worry about and hope to make the right decision.

But, I do know that today there was sun, sand and waves that took all of his worries away. They took all of my worries away. I do know that we laughed and joked and were silly for an entire day. An entire day of the perfect medicine...a snow day, Florida style. 

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