Friday, February 1, 2013

No Dancing Here....

I don't like this change! I don't like the loud noises! I am not having a good day! Yes, those were three sentences said to me quite a few times today by Cameron. Though, that is not how it started. He did wake up happy, it was Friday and all was good in the world. He is very similar to the little boy in Jerry Maguire, with his random facts of knowledge...though he doesn't tell me how much the human brain weighs. Instead he wakes up and right away tells me random facts about animals or dinosaurs. He gets so excited to just blurt out all of the facts that he knows, it really amazes me his knowledge about animals and dinosaurs. He has a passion for it, a passion that lights up his eyes and you can hear his voice change to a happy, this is what I love tone. He loves animals and dinosaurs and he reads and reads and reads about them every chance he gets. He also watches the show Wild Kratts EVERY day and it is all about animals. It's on at 5:00 pm Mon-Fri in case you were wondering and no there is not a night that we are allowed to miss it. Starting at 4:30 every day there is a count down to 5:00 and for 30 minutes he is in his heaven. There could be worse shows he wants to watch, so I will happily take this. I will say I sing the theme song in my head all day, oh who am I kidding, I sing it out loud in the car like I am the next American Idol! We all feel like the Kratt brothers are a part of our family, as much as we watch them, read about them, play their games, they should be a part of our family.

So skip past our morning at home and head to school, where his homeroom teacher wasn't in the he panicked. "Where is Mrs. ....., mommy? Why isn't she here, mommy? She is suppose to be sitting in that chair right there to take my quarters for my popcorn because it's Friday and that is where she sits on Fridays mommy...where is she?" In a matter of two minutes I heard all of that with his big eyes staring at me in shear panic. His teacher was just in a meeting and was right next door but he didn't understand why this change was happening and he definitely didn't like it. When she did enter the room he was already upset about her not being there that he got even more upset when she didn't go right to the seat that she is suppose to sit at every Friday according to him to take his quarters. I tried to convince him to give them to her when she was standing up but he wasn't having it. "That is NOT where she takes the quarters mommy, she has to be sitting RIGHT THERE in THAT CHAIR, NOT standing up!" Then I thought....Oh happy Friday dancer in my head that music isn't going to be playing this morning, maybe you can go back to bed and we'll try again this afternoon. Once he was able to give her his quarters he was somewhat happy, though still not happy because she didn't sit in THAT chair to take them.

Fast forward to pick up and I could just tell by the look in Cameron's eyes that he was still having a rough day.  He got in the car and started to tell me about his day and just got upset. He said "everything was wrong today mommy, everyone was loud and I just didn't like it." He has days where things seem much louder to him than they may seem to us, he has sensory issues and doesn't know how to handle them. We talked and I found out that he cried a little bit but he didn't know why he cried. When we got home he wanted to be left alone, so even though that is really hard for Peyton to understand because when he gets home she is beyond excited to play with him...I made her stay away from him. He came to talk to Bryan and me and all of a sudden just ran away screaming and crying. What just happened? Did we say something? No, we didn't really say anything. Oh crap, we laughed and he thought we were laughing AT him not WITH him. So, I went after him and he collapsed in my lap just crying and shaking. I tried to get him to tell me what was wrong but at first he couldn't which broke my heart. Then he just said "it's just too loud, I don't like everything being SO loud!!" I just wanted to cry with him. He is having a really bad day....not a three hour, banging head, slamming door bad day. But a over sensory, very little boy stuck in a big boys body bad day. This is suppose to be our happy Friday! We are suppose to be doing our HAPPY Friday dance and yet life decides no music will be playing and no dancing will be happening!

So, our night did not go as we had planned...but then again most nights don't go as planned. He ended the night with a bad fall in our shower, huge lump on his head and again many more tears.  So Friday...I am glad you are almost over and Saturday you better be nice to us! 

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